DB Realty, which is listed in the National Stock Exchange Market as Valor Estate Ltd. Today in our article we will discuss in detail DB Realty Share Price Target 2025, 2026, 2028, 2030, 2040 and 2050. We will also discuss the fundamental and technical indicators of the company which will help you in taking right investment decisions.
What is Valor Estate (DB Realty)
Valor Estate was established in 2007 and it’s headquartered in Maharashtra. Its old name was DB Realty Limited which was changed to Valor Estate on 10 April 2024. The main business of the company is real estate construction, development and related works. The Chairman and Managing Director of the company is Vinod Kumar Goenka.
DB Realty Listing date
DB Realty was listed on the stock exchange on 1 February 2010. At the time of listing the share price of the company was Rs 450.
Attribute | Value |
Face Value Of Equity Shares | 10 |
Market Lot Of Equity Shares | 1 |
Listed On | BSE Ltd. , National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. |
Listing date | 0102/2010 |
BSE Code | 533160 |
BSE Group | B |
DB Realty Share Price History
The company was listed in the stock market in 2010 at Rs 450 and today its share is Rs 205.65. Initially a decline was seen in the company’s shares, but since 2020, there has been a continuous growth in the company’s shares. The company has given a return of 867.76% in the last 3 years. Stock market experts believe that investors can get good returns by buying shares of the company in future.
Time Period | Price Performance |
1 Week | -2.21% |
1 Month | -5.60% |
3 Months | -25.45% |
YTD | 10.80% |
1 Year | 162.14% |
3 Years | 867.76% |
DB Realty Share Price Growth Chart
It becomes clear from the growth chart of DB Realty that the share price of the company has started increasing from 2022 onwards. In the last one year, the company has given a return of 162.14% to its investors. The chart pattern is showing further growth.

DB Realty Fundamental
The market cap of DB Realty is around Rs 11 thousand crores whose return metrics ROE and ROCE are negative -4.79 and -12.68 respectively. Which means the company is unable to generate returns on equity. The PE ratio and PB ratio of the company are 8.68 and 4.17.
The company had generated a revenue of Rs 895 crore in the last financial year, which is 719% more than the financial year 2023. This year the company’s turnover was Rs 801 Cr. The highest share of the company in 52 weeks was Rs 284.90 and the lowest was Rs 69.15.
Company Name | Valor Estate Ltd. |
Sector | Construction – Residential & Commercial Complexes |
Mkt Cap (Rs. Cr.) | 11,059 |
Website | dbrealty.co.in |
ROE | -4.79 |
ROCE | -12.68 |
52 Week High | 284.90 |
52 Week Low | 69.15 |
P/E Ratio (TTM) | 8.68 |
P/B Ratio | 4.17 |
Face Value | 10 |
Book Value Per Share | 49.37 |
EPS (TTM) | 23.70 |
Dividend Yield | 0.00% |
Net Sales | 895.27 Cr |
Sales Growth | 718.79% |
Net Profit (Anual) | 801.56Cr |
Profit Growth | 2179.10% |
Listing At | NSE and BSE |
DB RealtyProfit/Loss – Last 5 Years Report
DB Realty Income Report
Income | Mar 24 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 23 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 22 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 21 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 20 (Rs. Cr.) |
12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | |
Revenue From Operations [Gross] | 8.72 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Revenue From Operations [Net] | 8.72 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Other Operating Revenues | 0.00 | 3.58 | 3.85 | 0.18 | 0.46 |
Total Operating Revenues | 8.72 | 3.58 | 3.85 | 0.18 | 0.46 |
Other Income | 886.55 | 105.76 | 37.03 | 147.58 | 49.35 |
Total Revenue | 895.27 | 109.34 | 40.88 | 147.77 | 49.81 |
DB Realty Expenses
Expenses | Mar 24 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 23 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 22 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 21 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 20 (Rs. Cr.) |
12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | |
Cost Of Materials Consumed | 1.94 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Operating And Direct Expenses | 0.00 | 19.83 | 23.06 | 8.14 | 7.78 |
Changes In Inventories Of FG, WIP And Stock-In Trade | -9.25 | -19.83 | -24.19 | -8.14 | -7.78 |
Employee Benefit Expenses | 2.42 | 2.70 | 1.06 | 1.93 | 3.32 |
Finance Costs | 10.92 | 15.14 | 80.96 | 159.73 | 124.00 |
Depreciation And Amortisation Expenses | 0.15 | 0.13 | 0.17 | 0.78 | 0.47 |
Other Expenses | 115.70 | 35.82 | 260.88 | 58.09 | 70.16 |
Total Expenses | 121.88 | 53.78 | 341.94 | 220.53 | 197.95 |
DB Realty Profit/Loss
The total assets of the company till March 2023 were Rs 4,567.90 crore and the liabilities of the company were also Rs 4,567.90 crore. The company has given a profit of Rs 801.56 crore in March 2024, which is 2179.10% more than that of 2023.
Profit/Loss | Mar 24 | Mar 23 | Mar 22 | Mar 21 | Mar 20 | Mar 19 |
12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | |
Profit/Loss Before Exceptional, ExtraOrdinary Items And Tax | 773.39 | 55.56 | -301.05 | -72.77 | -148.14 | -116.56 |
Exceptional Items | 100.93 | 0.00 | 273.90 | 180.68 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Profit/Loss Before Tax | 874.32 | 55.56 | -27.15 | 107.91 | -148.14 | -116.56 |
Profit/Loss After Tax And Before ExtraOrdinary Items | 801.56 | 35.17 | -75.14 | 89.06 | -145.63 | -120.50 |
Profit/Loss From Continuing Operations | 801.56 | 35.17 | -75.14 | 89.06 | -145.63 | -120.50 |
Profit/Loss For The Period | 801.56 | 35.17 | -75.14 | 89.06 | -145.63 | -120.50 |
DB Realty Other Additional Information
Particulars | Mar 24 | Mar 23 | Mar 22 | Mar 21 | Mar 20 | Mar 19 |
12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | |
Basic EPS (Rs.) | 18.00 | 1.15 | -3.09 | 3.66 | -5.99 | -4.95 |
Diluted EPS (Rs.) | 17.43 | 1.00 | -3.09 | 3.66 | -5.90 | -4.95 |
DB Realty Balance Sheet – Last 5 Years Report:
SHAREHOLDER’S FUNDS | Mar 24 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 23 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 22 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 21 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 20 (Rs. Cr.) |
12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | |
Equity Share Capital | 537.79 | 352.15 | 259.06 | 243.26 | 243.26 |
Preference Share Capital | 0.00 | 53.27 | 47.99 | 43.23 | 0.00 |
Total Share Capital | 537.79 | 405.42 | 307.05 | 286.49 | 243.26 |
Reserves and Surplus | 5,215.94 | 2,894.95 | 2,619.06 | 2,197.28 | 2,159.07 |
Total Reserves and Surplus | 5,215.94 | 2,894.95 | 2,619.06 | 2,197.28 | 2,159.07 |
Total Shareholders Funds | 5,753.73 | 3,300.38 | 2,926.11 | 2,483.77 | 2,402.33 |
Long Term Borrowings | 59.14 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Other Long Term Liabilities | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.33 | 0.06 |
Long Term Provisions | 0.35 | 0.32 | 0.46 | 0.45 | 0.85 |
Total Non-Current Liabilities | 59.49 | 0.32 | 0.46 | 1.79 | 0.90 |
Short Term Borrowings | 354.95 | 838.71 | 748.98 | 337.23 | 363.63 |
Trade Payables | 10.97 | 18.40 | 17.89 | 20.79 | 22.16 |
Other Current Liabilities | 191.82 | 386.07 | 481.41 | 917.79 | 797.70 |
Short Term Provisions | 40.72 | 24.03 | 7.95 | 0.62 | 0.53 |
Total Current Liabilities | 598.46 | 1,267.21 | 1,256.24 | 1,276.44 | 1,184.02 |
Total Capital And Liabilities | 6,411.68 | 4,567.90 | 4,182.81 | 3,762.00 | 3,587.25 |
NON-CURRENT ASSETS | Mar 24 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 23 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 22 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 21 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 20 (Rs. Cr.) |
12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | |
Tangible Assets | 1.41 | 1.47 | 1.02 | 1.36 | 2.02 |
Intangible Assets | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.03 | 0.12 |
Other Assets | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.40 | 1.42 |
Fixed Assets | 1.41 | 1.47 | 1.02 | 2.78 | 3.56 |
Non-Current Investments | 3,104.17 | 1,875.44 | 1,830.65 | 1,665.17 | 1,812.79 |
Deferred Tax Assets [Net] | 21.94 | 105.96 | 118.41 | 188.53 | 192.81 |
Long Term Loans And Advances | 259.01 | 0.00 | 34.45 | 63.94 | 55.16 |
Other Non-Current Assets | 195.44 | 156.49 | 106.63 | 94.85 | 88.52 |
Total Non-Current Assets | 3,581.96 | 2,139.35 | 2,091.17 | 2,015.26 | 2,152.84 |
Current Investments | 0.00 | 205.15 | 241.70 | 458.55 | 371.14 |
Inventories | 396.38 | 340.98 | 321.15 | 296.96 | 290.06 |
Trade Receivables | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.05 |
Cash And Cash Equivalents | 673.92 | 17.70 | 75.06 | 0.55 | 0.59 |
Short Term Loans And Advances | 1,714.88 | 1,769.47 | 1,306.13 | 695.80 | 498.03 |
Other Current Assets | 44.54 | 95.25 | 147.60 | 294.88 | 274.55 |
Total Current Assets | 2,829.72 | 2,428.55 | 2,091.64 | 1,746.74 | 1,434.41 |
Total Assets | 6,411.68 | 4,567.90 | 4,182.81 | 3,762.00 | 3,587.25 |
CONTINGENT LIABILITIES, COMMITMENTS | Mar 24 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 23 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 22 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 21 (Rs. Cr.) | Mar 20 (Rs. Cr.) |
12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | 12 mths | |
Contingent Liabilities | 0.00 | 124.86 | 127.19 | 69.85 | 69.85 |
Bonus Equity Share Capital | – | 201.15 | 201.15 | 201.15 | 201.15 |
Non-Current Investments Quoted Market Value | – | – | – | – | – |
Non-Current Investments Unquoted Book Value | – | 982.64 | 958.18 | 1,022.04 | 1,033.23 |
Current Investments Quoted Market Value | – | – | – | – | – |
Current Investments Unquoted Book Value | – | 205.15 | 241.70 | 458.55 | 371.14 |
Quarterly Results
Mar 2024 | Dec 2023 | Sep 2023 | ||
Sales + | 144 | 143 | 68 | |
Expenses + | 115 | 63 | 19 | |
Operating Profit | 30 | 80 | 49 | |
OPM % | 21% | 56% | 72% | |
Other Income + | 9 | 401 | 915 | |
Interest | 33 | 5 | 23 | |
Depreciation | 12 | 14 | 0 | |
Profit before tax | -7 | 463 | 941 | |
Tax % | -91% | 0% | 5% | |
Net Profit + | -13 | 463 | 894 | |
EPS in Rs | -0.12 | 9.26 | 17.63 | |
Raw PDF |
DB Realty Share Price Target 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2028, 2030, 2040
DB Realty Share Price Target 2023
Month | Minimum Target (₹) | Maximum Target (₹) |
January | 78 | 96 |
February | 65 | 76 |
March | 61 | 65 |
April | 67 | 81 |
May | 80 | 86 |
June | 74 | 83 |
July | 74 | 85 |
August | 90 | 130 |
September | 140 | 160 |
October | 157 | 170 |
November | 170 | 200 |
December | 184 | 205 |
DB Realty Share Price Target 2024
Month | Minimum Target (₹) | Maximum Target (₹) |
January | 186 | 235 |
February | 255 | 270 |
March | 210 | 270 |
April | 200 | 235 |
May | 204 | 232 |
June | 210 | 225 |
July | 215 | 232 |
August | 222 | 242 |
September | 235 | 244 |
October | 220 | 236 |
November | 233 | 244 |
December | 242 | 255 |
DB Realty Share Price Target 2025
Month | Minimum Target (₹) | Maximum Target (₹) |
January | 240 | 253 |
February | 250 | 264 |
March | 260 | 275 |
April | 264 | 272 |
May | 248 | 265 |
June | 250 | 258 |
July | 255 | 274 |
August | 270 | 288 |
September | 285 | 305 |
October | 298 | 308 |
November | 282 | 300 |
December | 280 | 315 |
DB Realty Share Price Target 2026
Month | Minimum Target (₹) | Maximum Target (₹) |
January | 300 | 326 |
February | 322 | 342 |
March | 335 | 344 |
April | 328 | 339 |
May | 325 | 335 |
June | 334 | 352 |
July | 350 | 368 |
August | 361 | 372 |
September | 352 | 364 |
October | 362 | 376 |
November | 375 | 398 |
December | 395 | 425 |
DB Realty Share Price Target 2028
Month | Minimum Target (₹) | Maximum Target (₹) |
January | 532 | 548 |
February | 545 | 566 |
March | 550 | 560 |
April | 532 | 552 |
May | 535 | 545 |
June | 542 | 570 |
July | 568 | 582 |
August | 580 | 604 |
September | 600 | 634 |
October | 614 | 630 |
November | 618 | 632 |
December | 630 | 655 |
DB Realty Share Price Target 2030
Month | Minimum Target (₹) | Maximum Target (₹) |
January | 766 | 772 |
February | 770 | 798 |
March | 785 | 800 |
April | 762 | 786 |
May | 765 | 780 |
June | 775 | 805 |
July | 800 | 832 |
August | 825 | 854 |
September | 835 | 850 |
October | 848 | 872 |
November | 870 | 882 |
December | 880 | 898 |
DB Realty Share Price Target 2040
Month | Minimum Target (₹) | Maximum Target (₹) |
January | 1543 | 1565 |
February | 1545 | 1570 |
March | 1565 | 1606 |
April | 1587 | 1600 |
May | 1595 | 1608 |
June | 1605 | 1642 |
July | 1640 | 1670 |
August | 1658 | 1672 |
September | 1644 | 1660 |
October | 1655 | 1688 |
November | 1685 | 1704 |
December | 1700 | 1728 |
DB Realty Share Price Target 2050
Month | Minimum Target (₹) | Maximum Target (₹) |
January | 2467 | 2505 |
February | 2460 | 2490 |
March | 2496 | 2520 |
April | 2500 | 2565 |
May | 2518 | 2536 |
June | 2530 | 2555 |
July | 2550 | 2604 |
August | 2580 | 2600 |
September | 2595 | 2640 |
October | 2610 | 2632 |
November | 2630 | 2670 |
December | 2650 | 2688 |
How to Buy DB Realty Share
We can buy shares of any company through brokers present in the stock market. To buy shares of the company, first of all you have to open a demat account with any broker. Shares of the company can be easily bought and sold through this demat account, names of some brokers are being mentioned further –
- Zerodha
- Groww
- Angel One
- Upstox
DB Realty Shareholding Pattern
Shareholders % | Mar 23 | Jun 23 | Sep 23 | Dec 23 | Mar 24 |
Promoter | 58.97% | 58.97% | 53.82% | 50.89% | 47.44% |
FIIS | 2.57% | 2.34% | 2.17% | 2.14% | 5.23% |
DIIS | 0.05% | 0.05% | 0.04% | 0.09% | 0.49% |
PUBLIC | 38.42% | 38.65% | 43.96% | 46.89% | 46.85% |
No. of Shareholders | 60,398 | 58,179 | 53,973 | 60,389 | 69,249 |
DB Realty Latest News
On May 30, a report related to the share price of DB Realty came in which it was told that till March 2024, DB Realty has made a net sale of Rs 144.22 crore, this sale is 147.16% more than the previous year.
DB Realty share price closed at 199.65 (NSE) on May 30, 2024. The company has returned -5.91% in the last 6 months and 132.83% in the last 12 months.
- The company has given a return of 162.14% in the last one year. Which is expected to give good profits in future also.
- The company has reduced its debt compared to last year. Due to which investor confidence in the company has increased.
- The company has given a profit of Rs 801.56 crore till March 2024.
- Fundamental analysis of the company shows that its ROE and ROCE are negative which shows the weak position of the company.
- The market capital of the company is very low (11,059 crores).
- The company’s negative growth of -25.45% in the last 3 months is a matter of concern.
DB Realty Points to Consider Before Investing
Before investing in DB Realty company, let us know some important points of the company which can be very important from the investment point of view –
- The market capital of the company is low
- Shareholding Pattern analysis of the company shows that the promoter’s share of the company is decreasing every year which is not correct.
- Fundamental analysis of the company shows that ROE and ROCE %; -4.79 and 12.68% which is not good from investment point of view.
- The company being in loss for the last 6 months is not good for investors.
- The Dept to Equity ratio of the company is .4 which is a matter of relief.
- DB Realty company has been giving profits for the last 3 years.
Similar Stocks
Company | Mkt cap | 52W L | 52W H |
Godrej Properties Ltd | ₹ 79,897 Cr. | ₹1,430 | ₹3,007 |
Phoenix Mills Ltd | ₹ 57,655 Cr. | ₹1,508 | ₹3,425 |
Brigade Enterprises Ltd | ₹ 32,111 Cr. | ₹546 | ₹1,433 |
Anant Raj Ltd. | ₹13,362Cr | ₹153.75 | ₹408.40 |
SignatureGlobal India Ltd. | ₹18,024Cr | ₹385.00 | ₹1,427.90 |
Profitable Stocks
Mkt cap | Profit (1Year) | 52W L | 52W H | |
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. | ₹34,897Cr | -3.15% | ₹237.35 | ₹346.55 |
Heritage Foods Ltd. | ₹6,136Cr | 211.03% | ₹202.65 | ₹661.25 |
Jubilant Foodworks Ltd. | ₹34,212Cr | 5.16% | ₹421.05 | ₹586.95 |
Infosys Ltd. | ₹636,734Cr | 18.98% | ₹1,262.25 | ₹1,733.00 |
Wipro Ltd. | ₹253,353Cr | 20.30% | ₹375.05 | ₹545.90 |
If seen, the company is continuously reducing its department and is also giving good profits for the last few years. It is expected from all these that the company will give good returns to long term investors in future but investing in it is full of risks.
Disclaimer– Please note that all the information given here is for general information purpose only and not for investment purposes. Therefore, before investing in any share, take advice from a certified market expert. If you invest, you will be responsible for your profits and losses.
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Valor Estate Share Price Target 2025
The maximum target for Valor Estate shares is likely to be Rs 315 in 2025
Valor Estate Share Price Target 2024
The maximum target for Valor Estate shares is likely to be Rs 270 in 2024
Valor Estate Share Price Target 2030
The maximum target for Valor Estate stock is likely to be Rs 898 in 2030